Our Vision:

For every girl with an unplanned pregnancy to have a church to go to for spiritual, emotional, and physical support.

Our Mission:

To inspire and equip the church to love on single and pregnant girls and their families.

Embrace Grace is a nationally recognized ministry, and we are proud to host one of the support groups here at Northside!

During the spring and winter seasons of Discipleship, we offer a 12-week class designed to offer support to single women experiencing an unexpected pregnancy. This support takes many forms, including emotional support and spiritual guidance, financial/material support through gifts and a baby shower, and the opportunity to become part of the community of women at Northside!

  • If you’re single (unmarried) and pregnant, we would love to have you be part of this group! We meet once per week for 12 weeks, and at the end, we’ll throw you a baby shower! You’ll get to meet some other moms in similar situations to you, and meet some ladies who are here to help you however they can! If you’re interested, please email us.

  • There are a lot of ways to get involved in serving with us! You can sign up to join our prayer team, help spoil our mamas on princess night, help decorate and prepare for the baby shower, and more!

    Let us know you’d like to help!




We’re throwing a baby shower for the single mother who is taking our Embrace Grace class this semester! We hope you can make it, and that you can help us show her love by purchasing a gift from her registry, or helping with the shower in some way!