Northside Missions is a platform for disciples to reach their neighbors and the nations for Christ and His Kingdom. We strive to bring the gospel to those without Christ, hope to those in need beyond their ability, and support to those in the work with us. Below are the four pillars of Northside Missions:


Northside Missions seeks to provide all people an opportunity to respond to the gospel in their own cultural context, seeking and using the most effective method, such as sports, street evangelism, healthcare, relief/recover, and others.


Northside Missions seeks to empower disciples, churches, and missional organizations to fulfill the Great Commission in their own regions, by providing various necessary means of support, including funding, training, short-term engagements, etc.


In proportion to our resources and skills, Northside Missions seeks to help put people in a position to hear and receive the message of Christ and to move forward toward the abundant life Christ wants for them. Such aid may include building or repairing homes, churches, and communities; providing food or healthcare; offering skills training; and walking alongside those through the process of transition.


Northside Missions strategically partners with missionaries, mission organizations, and indigenous churches so to expand God’s kingdom to other areas of the nation and the world.


  • Every disciple has some role in reaching the lost and hurting for Christ; therefore, we encourage everyone to get involved in the missional efforts in some capacity, including prayer, giving, and going.

  • Missions does not happen if Christ is not shared; therefore, every missional endeavor has the common goal of sharing the gospel to the lost.

  • The farther a light shines in the distance the brighter it shines at home; therefore, we always maintain a balance of local and distant mission endeavors, with local missions getting the greater focus.

  • Mission-mindedness refuses to offer what costs them nothing; therefore, our missionaries must have “skin in the game” (money, prayer, time, labor) before benefiting from the offerings of others.

  • Greater impact can be had when a consistent presence is felt; therefore, we seek proven ministry partnerships when they can be found.

  • We want to put others in the position to eventually minister without dependence on us; therefore, ministry partnerships should come with a clear, communicated sunset.

  • Money follows ministry; therefore, ministries invested in must first demonstrate vision, structure, integrity, and a measure of fruitfulness.